Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Endued with POWER from on high

And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.
Luke 24:49 KJV

To be endued means:

1. to put to invest or endow with some gift, quality, or faculty.
2. to put on; assume.
3. to clothe.

Listen carefully: I am sending the Promise of My Father [the Holy Spirit] upon you; but you are to remain in the city [of Jerusalem] until you are clothed (fully equipped) with power from on high.”
LUK 24:49 AMP

On the day of Pentecost that promise was released and the power came from on high. The Bible also tells us that as many that have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ or have been clothed with Christ. Hallelujah. Have you been baptised into Christ then you are "clothed" with the dunamis power from on high.

But are you walking in this power? How are you exercising this power on a daily basis in dealing with situations that confront you?

Christ has gone into the heavens and all powers are subject unto Him. At the mention of the Name of Jesus, EVERY KNEE, EVERY SITUATION, EVERY SICKNESS, DISEASE and OPPRESSION must bow!

Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.
1 Peter 3:22 KJV

If they are subject unto Him and you are in Him, He dwells in you by His Holy Spirit, you are "wearing" Him as your garment of righteousness, then it means that angels, authorities and powers are also subject to you.

Exercise that power today. Raise your voice like a trumpet and unleash the power of God into your situation  through prayer, praise, the Word and the Blood!

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